Switching to App Registration

This option lets you switch the authentication method for securing connection with you M365 platform from Delegated Token authentication to Application Registration. You can create the new App Registration using the Invitation wizard or alternatively manually create the new registration on your M365 Azure tenant.

Do the following:
1. In the Service portal Navigation pane, select Configuration > M365 Configuration.

2. Click Reinitiate Authentication Flow.

3. You are prompted if you wish to proceed. Click Yes.

4. Enter the Invitation Email address of the M365 tenant admin and then click Send Invitation or click here to open the Invitation wizard directly. If you entered an email address, click the pending invitation link at the top of the screen to open the Invitation wizard. Note that the User Name field is filled after the registration process is complete.


5. Do one of the following:
If you created the Application Registration manually: Select option Use App Registration and then enter the Microsoft Tenant ID, Application (Client) ID of the App Registration and the Client Secret value (see Create Application Registration Manually (Optional)) and then click Start authentication. A message similar to the following is displayed.

a. Navigate to the Microsoft 365 Settings page (Configuration > M365 Configuration). Note that the User Name field is filled with the Admin tenant user who authenticated the registration.
b. Click Validate Authentication to validate the credentials of the tenant service with the App Registration. The Client Secret Days Until Expire value is displayed once the secret has been set for the first time.

Select option Create New App Registration (see Create Application Registration Automatically using Invitation Wizard).